I Started Using These 3 Apple Apps Again (Updated)

Carl Johnson
4 min readMay 7, 2023


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

People find all types of ways to be productive. Everyone has there own process. For me I’m always looking for the most simplest way to stay productive. I spend a lot of time using my Apple devices mainly my iPad Pro. I’ve tried tons of apps to be more productive and some I like and some didn’t work for me. Since iPadOS 16 update I actually switched back to three stock apps.

Why I Switched?

Getting back to wanting to keep things simple in my productive habits. The biggest reason for me making a change is Apples integration. Regardless of what you feel about certain Apple apps or products, there is no denying the integration aspect is seamless.

Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash

Going from Gmail to Apple Mail

I have a love/hate relationship with Gmail. At times it’s great for certain things and then there is a lot left to be desired in other occasions. Google like Apple does well with integration but it’s not always as seamless as Apple. Gmail offers a variety of features and options for you to get the best email experience but sometimes I feel like there maybe to much and for me it can seem overwhelming. Apple Mail definitely does not offer the amount of features as Gmail but for my needs it does enough. Here what I’m liking about Mail right now.

1. Schedule Email

I spend a lot of time reading and writing email so when I have to send them out the ability to schedule is huge for me. In Apple fashion just simply hold down the send arrow and all of your options appear.

2. Undo Send

We all have sent email before we were ready. Once it goes out now you have to do damage control. Being able to undo what you send before it arrives is incredible.

3. Remind Me

I open a lot of email, read it and immediately forget to follow up or reply back to the sender. The remind me feature changes all of that now. Just swipe from your right or left depending on your preference. Select more and now you can set a reminder to follow up with the email you need to address.

Google Reminders to Reminders

Full disclosure I never stop using Apple Reminders because I like the simplicity of it. The biggest sticking point for me is Apple Reminders doesn’t show up in my calendar the way Google Reminders does in Google Calendar. I love being able to look at my calendar and have a clear picture of my day or week and everything I need to do. Here’s why I love reminders.

  1. I really like the Template feature. I can create as many as I like and save the templates I want to reuse again.
  2. Tags are the best because they help me to sort what’s important and what’s not. Also makes finding things that much easier.

3. Smart List

Smart list allow you to use different filters to help you really keep your list organized. You can even take your regular list and convert them to smart ones if you want to as well.

Google Calendar to Apple Calendar

Photo by Crystal Y on Unsplash

I gave Apple Calendar an honest look and realized that it technically offered what Google offered. The only difference is Apple’s deep integration with its software. Everything I needed to do I could do and if it was missing something I wanted I could easily add it from somewhere else.

Google offers additional calendars for sports, holidays and other things. I was able to add those same calendars when I went looking in the right places.

Now don’t get me wrong there are things Google offers in ther settings that I just simply can’t get when it comes to customization but I really don’t need to have those things. For me I just need things to be simple and work when I need them too.

Also the real big integration for Apple Calendar is Siri and it’s so helpful when used properly.

For now these apps are working for me and I am getting the biggest component of what I wanted and that was smooth Apple integration. What Apple apps are you using? Let me know in the comments.



Carl Johnson

I’m just a guy who appreciates technology. Follow me on Twitter @CarlRJohnson3